During the 2019 FSC Canada Board of Directors nominations process, 4 candidates put forth their names. As there was only one name put forth per chamber, the following candidates have been acclaimed and no election will take place. Please join us in welcoming the new members of the Board of Directors, who will take office November 5th, 2019.

FSC Canada is delighted to welcome three new board members:

  • Andre Gravel, Domtar, Economic Chamber
    André is responsible for the supply of the Domtar mill located in Windsor, Quebec. He joined Domtar almost 30 years ago, working successively in the boreal, mixed and broadleaved forest, both in public forest and in private forest.
  • Cliff Wallis, Alberta Wilderness Association, Environmental Chamber
    Cliff is a professional biologist registered in the province of Alberta. He has served since the late 1970s or currently serves on the board of environmental organizations at the local, provincial, and national level with organizations such as the Alberta Wilderness Association, Environmental Law Centre Nature Canada and others.
  • Louis Begin, Fédération de l'industrie manufacturière (CSN). Social Chamber
    Mr. Bégin has been working in the paper industry for about 25 years, first as a worker, union representative specialized in health and safety-environment and now he is acting as president of the CSN Manufacturing Industry Federation.

David Flood will continue as Chair of the FSC Canada board with Elston Dzus as Vice Chair, Lorraine Rekamas as Treasurer and Gerard Szaraz as Secretary.

A Fond Farewell
FSC Canada would like to acknowledge Cameron Shiell, Catharine Grant, Chris McDonell for the number of years they dedicated to the FSC Canada Board of Directors and wish them success with their future endeavours.