On September 28th 2018, the Forest Stewardship Council will be hosting ‘FSC Friday’ an annual event designed to raise awareness about responsible forest management and products. This September 28th, 2018, we’re asking you to help raise awareness by talking about FSC and your commitment to responsible forestry to your employees or colleagues.

Getting the message out is not only helpful to your sales or sustainability staff, but it’s helpful to everyone in the company by creating engagement and enthusiasm.
To help you get the message out, we’ve put together a few ideas and resources for you to use:

  • Hang a poster in your office – these posters help to communicate what FSC and your company’s commitment to responsible forestry. Hang this poster in a place where employees frequent, such as a water cooler, lunchroom, cafeteria or even in the washroom.
  • Send a companywide message – Send a quick message to your fellow colleagues explaining what FSC is. Send you message either by email or through your company intranet or even in the company newsletter.
  • Host a Lunch and learn – gather employees together and while sharing lunch or a few fun snacks, play one of our FSC videos or use one of our presentations.

Let’s start raising awareness! Download the resources here.

Not your area of expertise? Forward this message to your communications or marketing staff or whoever sends out the messages to employees.

Learn more about FSC Friday