Since then we’ve had a number of requests to view a copy of the final draft that was submitted to FSC International for review and final approval. A copy of the final draft can be found below. Please note that the document is still considered a draft and we anticipate changes based on FSC International’s review.

As of the effective date, Certificate holders will have 1 year to transition to the new standard. Within the transition period, certificate holders can choose to be audited to the current forest management standards or the revised National Forest Management Standard. But all certificate holders will be evaluated against the revised National Forest Management Standard within 1 year.

FSC Canada will support certificate holders and certification bodies with the transition and implementation of the revised standard with training in 2018.

FSC Canada initiated the standard revision process in 2012 to align to the new international generic indicators and merge all four regional standards into a single National Forest Management Standard that properly reflects the realities of forestry in Canada in 2017. Draft 1 of the standard was released for public consultation in 2015 and a second draft was released in 2016 for a 60-day public consultation. The draft standard was then field/desk tested in spring 2017. FSC Canada plans to have the final version of the standard approved in 2018.

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