The Forest Stewardship Council, the world's leader in forest certification system, the only system that requires consultation with local Aboriginal Peoples with the intention of protecting their rights. FSC forest management requirements include an entire section dedicated to the rights of Aboriginal peoples (Principle 3), and are widely recognized as most extensive at specifically addressing the needs of Aboriginal Peoples. FSC is also committed to incorporating free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) into certification requirements with the goal of increasing meaningful and tangible benefits to Aboriginal peoples and the forest sector as a whole.

"The right of Indigenous Peoples to consent has been part of FSC Standards since 1994, however, its implementation and assessment have been inconsistent within Canada," said FSC Canada President François Dufresne. "We are excited about the prospect of showcasing our industry's longstanding leadership of collaboration with indigenous peoples and the implementation of UNDRIP principles within the Canadian Constitution and law."

FSC Canada is working towards effectively adapting the values of FPIC and strengthening forest certification requirements in its national Forest Management Standard. FSC Canada recently closed a second round of consultations of its National Forest Management standard representing leadership in forest management. The consultation process engaged many stakeholders and Indigenous communities. FSC Canada expects to release an FPIC Guidance document to assist certificate holders, Indigenous communities and stakeholders in understanding the application of Fee Prior Informed Consent later this year.