"As a company providing entertaining books and educational materials for young people globally, it is imperative that we help maintain a healthy environment for them to grow up in,” said Maureen O’Connell, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Administrative Officer of Scholastic. “It is for this reason that Scholastic remains dedicated to minimizing waste and using FSC chain of custody certified and recycled paper in our products.”

In 2015 Scholastic purchased 74,286 tons of paper of which 53,437 tons (71.93%) was FSC-certified, up from 3.6% in 2007. In addition, with its commitment to using recovered fiber in its packaging, office and publications paper, 81% of all paper purchased by the company contained post-consumer recycled waste ranging from 10% to 100% recycled waste. Scholastic has a preference for FSC certified paper and their goal for publications paper purchases continues to be for a minimum of 35% to be FSC-certified.

Read their full announcement here.