“We are incredibly proud of this landmark achievement,and all the hard work that has gone into transforming FSC into a globallyrecognized, and used, market tool over the past 22 years,” commented DirectorGeneral, Kim Carstensen.FSC has the highest number of chain of custodycertificates of any forest certification scheme. The number of certificates isa clear way to measure FSC’s market growth, and impact on the market. However, behindthat number there are roughly 50,000 independent companies and organizations thatbuy, manufacture, trade or sell FSC-certified material and products.

“This accomplishment shows how our influence in the global marketplace extendsbeyond those that just hold a certificate, and reaches into the forestindustries, manufacturing, and retail sectors,” noted Mr. Carstensen. “With the new FSC Global Strategic Plan 2015-2020 FSC willbuild on this success, with the aim of more than doubling our share of globalforest-based trade in the next five years, to 20 per cent. We can only achieveour mission if enough of the market is working towards the same goal -sustainable use, conservation, restoration, and respect for all.”