The CoC Standard is the main standard for companies that manufacture, process or trade in FSC-certified timber and non-timber forest products. It affects more than 29,000 FSC-certified companies. The objective of this consultation is to review and streamline the CoC Standard, to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness in demonstrating that materials and products purchased, labeled and sold as FSC-certified are authentic and that the associated claims are correct.

The consultation process also addresses the five approved motions of the 2011 General Assembly relating to the CoC standard:

  • Motion 38 calls for a study to be conducted – in which the economic, environmental and social chambers are equally represented – to evaluate the risks and benefits of pre-consumer material from a market, environmental and social perspective.
  • Motion 43 requests the development of a policy to guide certificate holders in communicating truthfully and transparently about FSC Mix products, whose visible and characterizing components are not FSC-certified but are Controlled Wood. 
  • Motion 44 calls for the revision of the CoC Standard and the development of tools and templates to improve access for small enterprises to CoC certification. 
  • Motion 45 requires FSC to examine the barriers and opportunities for enhanced collaboration between FSC and retailers, including improved CoC procedures. 
  • Motion 46 requires FSC to clarify the intent of the Credit System.

We are now asking all interested stakeholders to read the revised draft standard and provide their comments and recommendations for improvement. 

A draft of the standard, the discussion paper and all relevant informational resources can be found on the Chain of Custody revision process webpage. The consultation process on the second draft will be open for 60 days, closing on October 31, 2015.