The approval represents a major milestone in the revision of the FSC Controlled Wood system, significantly improving and strengthening FSC risk assessment procedures for sourcing Controlled Wood. The documents are the first developed through the revision of the FSC Controlled Wood system to be approved, and will be followed in 2015 by the two revised Controlled Wood standards. The Board has mandated its decision to be implemented immediately, which means the documents become effective with less notice than is usually required by FSC procedures. This means that the development of NRAs will not be further delayed.

The approved documents are:

  • FSC-PRO-60-002 V3-0 The Development and Approval of FSC National Risk Assessments 
    This procedure specifies the steps to be followed to develop, maintain and revise NRAs, and for their approval by FSC. The FSC Board has stressed the need for strong engagement by FSC Network Partners in the development of NRAs.
  • FSC-PRO-60-002a V1-0 FSC National Risk Assessment Framework
    This procedure addendum provides the requirements for designating and specifying the level of risk of sourcing unacceptable material according to Controlled Wood requirements. It replaces those currently used by companies to perform their own risk assessments. It is important to note that two sections which were included in the framework when it was opened to stakeholder consultation are not part of the approved NRA framework. These sections, which define minimum outcomes for risk mitigation measures, will undergo further field testing to ensure their operability and assess their impact. Amendments will be made to add minimum outcomes to the framework (keeping their original intent) in 2015.
  • FSC-PRO-60-002b V2-0 List of FSC approved Controlled Wood documents
    This procedure addendum provides references to all approved NRAs and other FSC controlled wood documents to be used by different stakeholders. It is important to note that the previous version of this document had the code FSC-PRO-60-002a, and that this has now changed.

The documents can be found on this webpage.

How and why were these documents developed?
The Controlled Wood revision process began in 2011, after Motion 51 “Strengthening the Controlled Wood system” was passed by the 2011 FSC General Assembly. The motion called for the phase-out of company-developed risk assessments developed for sourcing Controlled Wood and their replacement by FSC-approved NRAs, and a revision of the Controlled Wood-Chain of Custody standard. Once the revision was under way, those involved decided that the risk assessment requirements themselves needed strengthening, and the revision of the procedures began. 

Drafts of the documents were the subject of two international public consultations, in both English and Spanish, held July–September 2013 and May–August 2014. Feedback from these consultations allowed the Controlled Wood Technical Committee, made up of members representing all FSC membership chambers and technical advisors, to work towards finalizing the requirements. A summary of the feedback obtained during the second consultation period and responses to the main issues can be downloaded here.

The Controlled Wood revision continues, with the two revised standards expected to be presented for the Board’s approval in March 2015, once field testing has been finalized and the feedback obtained has been implemented.

Related to this article:
Controlled Wood
Revision of the Controlled Wood System
Second round of stakeholder consultation on the revised Controlled Wood normative documents (consultation period closed)