FSC’s Smallholder Fund is part of FSC’s commitment to provide access and support for smallholders and community forests. The fund goes towards helping small and community forests with preparing for FSC Certification, compliance with FSC’s Principles & Criteria, enhancing supply chain management and improving market access for FSC-certified products.
Wade Knight, General Manager of the EOMF outlined the importance of the certification. “Sustainable forest management is about good management practices and healthy and involved communities. Forest certification is a tool that uses a sound economic model to foster responsible forest management. It provides a balance of values ranging from timber production, recreational opportunities such as hiking and hunting, to nature appreciation for local residents. The certification of SVCA’s forests will complement a growing network of certified forests forming across the landscape of southern Ontario under the EOMF’s Forest Certification Program.”
The SVCA manages 8,500 hectares of forest primarily in Bruce and Grey County comprised of multiple tracts that include wetlands, natural forest, and a network of managed plantations. The SVCA’s goal for the forest is to maintain a “managed working forest” to provide economic, social and recreational benefits to the residents of the Saugeen watershed.
Jim Penner, Manager of SVCA Forest indicates that certification is an important tool to implement sustainable forest management. “Certification provides the local community assurances that our forest management activities are meeting the highest of standards. We felt it was important to demonstrate that our forest was being managed to a world class standard and could provide certified wood to local sawmills that might lead to increased business opportunities.”
The EOMF’s Forest Certification Program extends from eastern to southern Ontario and includes private forest owners, community forests and urban forests, totaling more than 65,000 hectares.
For more information on the EOMF Forest Certification Program please contact Scott Davis, Program Coordinator at 613-258-8422, by e-mail sdavis@eomf.on.ca or visit the website “Your Pathway to Forest Certification” www.eomf.cert.ca. More information on the EOMF is available at www.eomf.on.ca.