The FSC Directive on Chain of Custody Certification (FSC-DIR-40-004) has been updated, containing the following amendments and additions: 

1. ADVICE-40-004-04: Use of uncontrolled co-products 
The Advice note was withdrawn as the requirements have been phased out and were replaced by ADVICE-40-005-17 Documentation and procedural requirements to demonstrate the geographical district of origin for co-products. 

2. ADVICE-40-004-12: Pre-consumer reclaimed wood compliance with the EUTR (new)
A new Advice note was approved to ensure harmonisation of FSC Chain of Custody requirements with the EUTR. 

In 2012, following a mandate from the FSC Board of Directors, FSC initiated a revision process of its standards to ensure harmonization with timber legality legislation, in particular the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR). According to the EUTR, reclaimed wood such as sawdust and chips are not classified as waste, and therefore subject to compliance with the regulation. Paper scraps are currently excluded from the scope of the EUTR. As a result of this revision, FSC identified the need to introducing requirements for the control of pre-consumer reclaimed wood in order to ensure FSC’s products conformance with the EUTR, for products placed on the European market.

FSC conducted two rounds of public stakeholder consultation. The comments received during the second round of public consultation and responses provided by the Policy and Standards Unit are available here. 

To whom is the Advice note applicable?

  • FSC certificate holders within Europe, placing FSC certified products containing pre-consumer reclaimed wood material on the European market for the first time.
  • FSC certificate holders outside of Europe, exporting FSC certified products containing pre-consumer reclaimed wood material to companies in Europe.

Effective dates

The withdrawal of Advice 40-004-04 on use of uncontrolled co-products becomes effective as of today. 

Advice 40-004-12 on pre-consumer reclaimed wood compliance with the EUTR will become effective on 1 October 2014. 

Link to FSC Directives 

Link to Chain of Custody standard revision