How does it work?
Small forest managers or forest management companies can become certified jointly under one certificate, or if they are managed by a resource management company, the resource manager can establish their own group scheme for those owners who wish to participate.
An FSC accredited, third-party certification body will audit a sample of group scheme members and carry out a risk assessment of the entire group scheme, rather than auditing each individual forest owner.
A group coordinator will need to be assigned to ensure that all members of the group are using systems that meet the FSC requirements.

Who is eligible for FSC Group Certification?
There is no restriction on the maximum size that a group certificate can cover in terms of:
- Number of group members;
- Their individual forest property size; or
- Total forest area.
The Group entity shall have sufficient human and technical resources to manage and control the Group in line with the requirements of the standard.
Join an existing group
Contact: Claude Chabot
T: 819-791-8668
E: cpa@chabotpomerleauass.com
W: www.chabotpomerleauass.com
Contact: Normand Simard
T; 418-493-2097 x 114
E: normand.simard@groupelebel.com
Contact:Glen Prevost
T: 705-358-7913
E: glen.prevost@ontariowoodlot.com
W: www.eomf.on.ca
Contact: Serge Leclerc
T: 418-495-2054 ext.102
E: serge.leclerc@gfkam.com
Contact: Dominic Besner
E: dbesner@upa.qc.ca
W: www.upa.qc.ca
Contact: William Moryto
T: (705) 869-4020 ext. 263
E: william.moryto@eacom.ca
Contact: Peter Burchill
T: 902-625-3800
E: pete@nslffpa.org
Contact: David Puttock
T: 905-898-3085
E: silvecon@rogers.com
Start your own group
Please get in touch with a certification body if you are looking to set up and run a group scheme.
Forest management group certification standard
This standard specifies the requirements for group entities (the certificate holder) managing a group of forest management units under a single certificate, a process referred to as ‘group certification'.