
FSC takes pride in our unique multi-stakeholder governance system and our global network of partners. We are a community rooted in collaboration.  We bring together members and other partners from diverse interests and backgrounds to co-create solutions for the sustainable management of our world’s forests.

FSC member voting in a room with green and red papers


Membership is separate to certification. FSC members are fundamental to the organization and its vision, contributing directly to development of our standards and helping to shape the future of responsible forestry. 

FSC brings together, among others, private enterprises, NGOs, international organizations, Indigenous groups, and educational institutions. This diverse set of stakeholders all share a common goal to improve the state of the world’s forests. 

Members in Canada can apply to join one of four chambers – environmental, social,  economic, and the Indigenous chamber. Canada is one of two countries with a dedicated Indigenous chamber to properly acknowledge the history of this land and its First Peoples

The purpose of the chamber structure is to maintain the balance of voting power between different interests.

Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors is elected by, and accountable to, our members. The FSC Canada Board of Directors is elected by members resident in Canada and consists of eight individuals, two from each chamber (Indigenous Peoples, Social, Environmental, and Economic). Each member of the Board of Directors serves for a three-year consecutive term.

Cliff Wallis

Cliff Wallis

Alberta Wilderness Association
Environmental Chamber


Lorraine Rekmans

Individual member
Indigenous Chamber


Etienne Vezina

Resolute Forest Products
Economic Chamber 


Louis Begin

Fédération de l'industrie manufacturière (FIM-CSN)
Social Chamber


Stephanie Seymour

Individual member
Indigenous Chamber


Louis Belanger

Nature Quebec
Environmental Chamber


Kalin Uhrich

Economic Chamber


Cam Shiell

Private and Public Workers of Canada
Social Chamber

People together at a FSC conference

International General Assembly

FSC members gather every three years at the General Assembly, FSC’s highest decision-making body, to make key decisions regarding FSC’s future.

Motions are proposed by one member, seconded by two or more, and then voted on by all members around the world. When a motion has passed, FSC International staff will develop a work plan and execute the project.

FSC International will work with multiple national offices for projects that have a global scope or impact.

FSC Canada AGM

Annual General Meeting

Each year FSC Canada hosts an Annual General Meeting where newly elected Board of Directors are announced and members are informed of previous and future activities. Members also receive updates on the organization’s financial status and vote on any resolutions that have been proposed.

Annual Reports

FSC Annual Report 2023.pdf
PDF, Size: 2.94MB
2022 Annual Report
PDF, Size: 5.53MB
FSC Annual Report 2021
PDF, Size: 21.30MB
FSC Annual Report 2020
PDF, Size: 5.79MB
FSC Annual Report 2019
PDF, Size: 4.83MB

Strategic Plan 2023-2027

PDF, Size: 54.27MB