FSC Core Labour Requirements

While the protection of workers’ rights has always been part of FSC’s principles and mandatory for forest management certificate holders, the new FSC Core Labour Requirements have now also been included in the FSC Chain of Custody standard.

FSC certificate holders must demonstrate conformance to the FSC Core Labour Requirements, which cover the abolition of child labor, elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor, elimination of discrimination with respect to employment and occupation, upholding freedom of association, and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining.

women working

What do Certificate Holders need to do?

CoC Certificate holders must be able to demonstrate (to external third-party auditors) that they are implementing the new requirements in their operations, including:

  • Adopting policy statement(s) that encompass the FSC core labor requirements
  • Implementing these requirements in their operations
  • Describing this implementation, and identifying evidence of implementation, in self-assessments (which are verified by auditors)


FSC Canada FSC Core Labour Requirements Self Assessment
DOCX, Size: 137.17KB
FSC Core Labour Requirements: Questions & Answers
PDF, Size: 443.44KB
FSC Core Labour Requirements Implementation Guidance
PDF, Size: 592.23KB

Self-Assessment Webinar Recordings

FSC core labour requirements introductory webinar

FSC Core Labour Requirements Technical Webinar

FSC Core Labour Requirements Self Assessment Webinar