Benefits of Membership
- Support healthy forests and strong communities
- Join an international network of individuals, companies and organizations taking action to improve the state of the world’s forests
- Have a voice on the conservation and responsible use of our forests
- Participate in FSC's governance by submitting motions and voting at General Assemblies
- Participate in Annual General Meetings and electing our Board of Directors
- Are able to run for the FSC Canada or FSC International Board of Directors
- Participate in the development of FSC certification standards, policies and procedures

Who can become a member?
FSC membership is open to everyone. We have two types of members:
- Organizational members (forestry companies, environmental groups, retailers, brands, etc.)
- Individual members (academics, students, activists etc.)
FSC Canada’s Members
Apply For Membership Today
Application Approval Process
The membership committee will decide whether your application is approved. This will take a minimum of four weeks. If your application is approved, you will have full voting rights immediately.
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