FSC Canada is currently developing a streamlined standard for smallholders and community forests based on FSC’s new National Forest Management Standard and is looking for comments from forest management enterprises, environmentalists, social stakeholders, indigenous groups and others on the new draft.

The new draft standard aims to reduce the complexity of FSC’s Forest Management Standard by streamlining technical requirements while continuing to address the most pressing issues facing Canadian forests now.

The draft requirements follow the basic forest management certification requirements but have important procedural differences and take into account the size and intensity of these operations. For example, the new smallholder requirements include:

  • overall reduction in the number of indicators
  • reduced requirements for conservation areas networks
  • a modified approach to obtain Free, prior and informed consent for smallholders
  • simpler administration processes
  • a reduction in the number of external reviews needed
  • These indicators have not been finalized but are considered draft and we hope to obtain your input to ensure all indicators are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound.

How to Get Involved

Provide comments on the draft. Visit our website to download the draft and provide comments.

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