On March 11th, 2020, FSC Canada hosted a forum on Caribou where forest companies, environmentalists, certification bodies and others came to share and discuss how to advance and accelerate caribou conservation, management and restoration across Canada.

During the forum we explored how existing best management practices and future action will provide pathways for fostering conditions for the successful uptake of FSC Canada’s new forest management standard.

Here are a few takeaways
To advance caribou conservation, management and restoration across Canada we need:

  • Leadership
    We will need companies to take a role in leading change. This can only be done by listening to one another and working together.
  • Innovation
    As one participant said: “We need to value caribou differently”. Innovation requires that we look at finding solutions with a new lens. We need to reward and incentivise innovation for early adopters.
  • Collaboration
    If we are to be successful in conserving, managing and restoring caribou habitat we will need to work together. Collaboration with government, ENGOs, and Indigenous Communities will help provide new perspectives and can lead to creative solutions.

Final Thoughts
FSC’s new forest management standard features a unique solution for advancing caribou conservation and wants to support the successful uptake and implementation of responsible forest management. While challenging, it presents breakthrough solutions for caribou conservation and sets a high bar for several topics including Indigenous engagement; free, prior and informed consent; and landscape requirements. This is the time for us to work together in order to accelerate caribou conservation in Canada and ensure that FSC’s standard is a success on the ground.