Please distribute widely to all your FSC FM auditors.

With the upcoming publication of Draft 3 of the Small scale, low intensity and community forests standard, FSC Canada is preparing the testing phase of this new standard.

The overall objective of this testing phase is to obtain an increased understanding of the context and implications of specific proposed requirements of Draft 3 as a means to inform the final revision of the standard.

FSC Canada is looking for auditors for the upcoming testing of Draft 3 of the Small scale, low intensity and community forests standard. Testing opportunities are likely to include the following topics:

  • Full version of Draft 3
  • Aboriginal rights & Free, Prior & Informed Consent in the context of SLIMF
  • Conservation area network in the context of SLIMF

FSC Canada is looking for one or two auditors to conduct a portion of the testing program. Ideal candidates are approved FSC FM lead auditors with at least 5 years of experience in evaluating FSC Canada’s forest management standards.

Some of the testing will be done remotely (desk audit), while testing of the full standard will occur on-site. Testing is scheduled to take place from April to July 2020. Total level of effort estimated is between 5 and 10 days, depending on total number of evaluations assigned to you, and the scope of the auditor’s expertise.

Interested candidates should send their CV along with a brief description of their audit experience, their daily rate , their availabilities in April to July 2020 and any other questions regarding testing to Elaine Marchand ( or Dominic Lessard ( by March 20, 2020