Given the increasing travel restrictions due to COVID-19, we understand certification bodies are unable to conduct on-site audits and that forest management certificate holders may find it difficult to transition to the new standard by the original transition date (January 1, 2021).

In response to the current situation, FSC International has approved that the deadline for Forest Management Certificate Holders to transition to the new standard will be extended by 6 months. This means that all audits must be carried out to the new standard by June 30, 2021.

What this means for certificate holders
Certificate Holders will now have until June 30, 2021 to transition to FSC Canada’s new Forest Management Standard. Certificate holders can choose to be evaluated to the current forest management regional standards or the revised National Forest Management Standard for its first evaluation. But all certificate holders will be evaluated against the revised National Forest Management Standard by June 30, 2021.

For Certification Bodies
FSC International will communicate about all extensions of transition periods of the Standard to Certification Bodies via the Certification Body Forum in due course.