This procedure describes how the NFSS will be kept up-to-date during its validity period, how it will be revised, but more importantly how certificate holders, certification bodies and other stakeholders can obtain answers to their questions. The goal of the procedure is to keep the National Forest Stewardship Standard current, relevant and clear.

FSC Canada has identified four processes for addressing complaints, comments, questions and requests for interpretation that are submitted:

  • Administrative Update
  • Clarification via the Technical FAQ document
  • Interpretation
  • Formal Revision Process as per FSC-STD-60-006 (V2-1)

More information can be found on the FSC Canada website, along with the Process Flow Chart, the Summary Table of Processes to Maintain the NFSS, a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) Document and a Form to submit Comment, Question or Request.

A webinar dedicated to the introduction and the presentation of that procedure will be announced at the beginning of the Fall.