This decision was made by FSC’s International Board of Directors, who considered the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, and decided to postpone the event to protect the health of the organization’s members, staff, supporters and others.

The Board felt that continuing with current plans would create unacceptable levels of uncertainty for all. In addition, the Board felt the quality of the general assembly could suffer significantly from the organization’s current lack of ability to carry out face-to-face membership engagements, and other preparations needed for a successful event.

The event will continue to be held in Bali, Indonesia. The exact date to which it has been postponed will be announced in the coming weeks, following discussion with the venue and service providers.

The FSC General Assembly is held every three years. It brings together FSC’s international membership to discuss the challenges and solutions of responsible forest management, and the future direction of the organization. In 2017, the event was held in Vancouver, Canada.