The FSC Global Strategy 2021-2026 was approved by the FSC International Board of Directors in their 86th meeting on 16-20 November 2020. The new strategy sets the direction and the intended outcomes for FSC International until 2026.

“As the basis for taking on these new strategic directions, The Global Strategy 2021-2026 reaches back into the roots of who FSC is as an organization. It reconfirms our commitment to promoting forest stewardship as the way to enable resilient forests that create environmental, social and economic value and benefits. The strategy takes pride in FSC’s multi-stakeholder governance system and the global network of partners. It identifies FSC’s core strength of being a community for co-creation: we convene members and other partners from diverse interests to set global benchmarks for forest stewardship and deliver significant results for the forests and the people who depend on them.” – Barbara Bramble, Chair, FSC international Board of Directors & Alan Thorne, chair of the Board Strategic Planning Committee

The process to develop the FSC Global Strategy (2021–2026) was led by the FSC International Board of Directors, including two rounds of public consultation and virtual dialogues with the FSC Membership and global staff of FSC, including network partners. Download the FSC Global Strategy 2021-2026 below (only available in English).

Source: FSC International

PDF, Size: 7.25MB