FSC Canada has submitted a draft National Risk Assessment (NRA) to FSC International for internal review. This draft version includes revisions and updates to FSC Canada’s Centralized National Risk Assessment (CNRA), based on input and direction from FSC Canada’s NRA Working Group. The draft NRA addresses all 5 Categories of controlled wood.

FSC Canada plans on conducting the 60-day public consultation of the draft NRA from March 1 – April 30, 2018. This will be an important opportunity to solicit feedback from stakeholders and Indigenous People regarding the findings of the draft NRA. More information to follow in the coming weeks.

At the 2011 FSC General Assembly, the FSC Membership passed Policy Motion 51 to ‘Strengthen the Controlled Wood System’. The motion includes a revision of the Controlled Wood Standard (FSC-STD-40-005), an evaluation of existing risk assessments, the phase-out of company developed Risk Assessments and the development of FSC National Controlled Wood Risk Assessments.

Development of a National Risk Assessment (NRA) provides a consistent application of our Standards and Policies and helps our Certificate Holders better avoid products from:Illegally harvested forests;

  • Forests harvested in violation of traditional and civil rights;
  • Forests in which high conservation values are threatened;
  • Forests that are being converted to plantations or non-forest use; or
  • Forests in which genetically modified trees are planted.

For more information visit our website.