A working group has been established to revise the FSC Pesticides Policy, with the objective of identifying the best feasible approach to reduce the use of chemical pesticides in FSC-certified forests and to prevent, minimize, and mitigate the related environmental and social impacts. A first draft of the revised policy is now ready for consultation.

The main changes include:

  • A shift away from a hazard-based approach to a new approach that integrates both hazard and risk
  • Prohibition or restriction of highly hazardous pesticides (HHPs) based on prioritization of hazard evaluation criteria and the risk they pose to humans and environment
  • Pesticides on the FSC list of prohibited HHPs cannot be used (except by government mandate or in certain emergency situations), no derogations will be permitted, and the consequences for inappropriate use are strengthened
  • National processes and the role of the certification bodies are strengthened
  • Clarification of terms and scope of the policy.

Stakeholders can provide feedback from 31 July until 29 October by completing the online survey available at the FSC Consultation Platform.

We also encourage you to participate in online webinars that will be conducted in September and/or participate in the side event about the revision of the Pesticides Policy at the FSC general assembly in Vancouver in October.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Maria Melero (FSC Policy and Standards Unit) or the pesticides policy working group at pesticides.policy@fsc.org