Marie-Ève Sigouin, from Abitibi-Témiscamingue, has been awarded Forest Engineer of the year by The Quebec Order of Forest Engineers for her work to help protect a caribou population located north of La Sarre, Quebec.

When asked how she reacted on hearing the news, Marie-Ève Sigouin did not hide her astonishment. ‘It was about time’, she said, laughing. ‘I was surprised, but at the same time, I didn't expect to be the first woman at all’.

Marie-Eve Sigouin is the Forest Certification Coordinator at Rayonier Advanced Materials (RYAM). As part of Rayonier’s efforts to meet FSC’s requirements on species at risk, specifically woodland caribou, Marie-Eve, organized a forum aimed at ensuring the survival of the herd by bringing together people from Ontario, Quebec, Indigenous communities and the mining industry to share information and define joint actions for forest management, conservation and recovery of the woodland caribou population in this territory.

FSC Canada would like to congratulate Marie-Eve on her award!

Source: Newswire & Radio Canada