Deadline: November 16, 2020

Intact Forest Landscapes (IFLs) have become an important component of FSC’s approach to forest management and the protection of forest values. At the 2017 FSC General Assembly, Motion 34 was passed requiring FSC National Offices to conduct assessments of the short- and long-term positive and negative impacts associated with the management and protection of IFLs.

FSC Canada recognizes that there are concerns about the possible economic consequences of protecting IFLs and an interest in ensuring important societal and ecological values of IFLs endure in managed forest landscapes.

We are now looking for a consultant to conduct an impact assessment to identify the possible positive and negative economic, social and environmental impacts.

Please provide a proposal for how you plan to fulfill the proposal including a timeline and breakdown of costs by November 16, 2020 to Vivian Peachey, Director of Standards and Policy,

The detailed Request for Proposal can be found here:

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