Project certification is a specific form of chain of custody (CoC) certification for the production of a unique item (e.g. a building or a boat) that use FSC-certified forest-based materials, or FSC-certified products. It recognizes that, in some cases, not all parties involved in a specific project are certified, even if the forest-based materials used for the project are covered by FSC CoC certification.

In addition to the project certification standard, an FSC system-wide concept will be developed to explain how FSC certificate holders and trademark license holders can make claims on the input volumes of FSC-certified material that they source; these are known as ‘procurement claims’.

All FSC stakeholders who would like to contribute to the revision of this standard and/or the development of a procurement claims model are welcome to join the consultative forum.

To take part in the consultative forum, please complete the attached registration form and send it to the project coordinator Dorothee Jung (

For more information, click here to view our current processes page on the FSC International website.