The FSC label provides an assurance that the wood and paper products you purchase come from responsible sources and have been verified to meet FSC’s strict environmental and social standards.
FSC labels are used on products to identify that the product has been verified to come from an FSC-certified source.
FSC labels can be found on millions of products around the world: from toilet roll to your favourite book, that milk carton in your fridge, and other food products. So the next time you're out shopping be sure to look for the logo and buy FSC-certified products.

FSC 100% labels identify products which are made of 100% virgin material from FSC-certified forests.

FSC MIX labels identify products which are made with a combination of FSC virgin fibre, and/or recycled materials with Controlled virgin fibre. The mobius loop represents the total pre and post consumer recycled fibre.

FSC Recycled labels identify products which are made with 100% recycled fiber. The mobius loop represents the total pre and post consumer recycled fibre.