FSC Canada outgoing Chair Chris McDonell delivered his Annual Report and highlights. Notably, FSC-certified forests in Canada grew by 3 million hectares in 2016 to a total of 54 million hectares. The report also focuses on expansion and collaboration to support the growth of FSC Canada so it can continue to deliver positive social, environmental and economic impacts expected by its members.

FSC Canada President François Dufresne shared the organization’s strategic plan for the next five years to ensure development and growth of FSC: “FSC Canada is well-positioned to expand its impact on the achievement of environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable management of Canada’s forests,” explained François Dufresne. “Our strategic plan will focus on continuing to build FSC as a catalyst for change in the world of responsible forest management while delivering value to our members, reinforcing their export drive worldwide and helping to secure local employment.”

As a first step, the strategic plan will ensure the release of a modern standard for well managed forestry that is aligned with International indicators while emphasizing Canadian priorities. The National Standard will offer a leadership platform to advance Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC), protection of Species at Risk such as woodland caribou and integration of Intact Forest and Indigenous Cultural Landscape concepts. Strong community and positive worker relations will be emphasized as well as recognizing the role of well managed forests in the global fight on climate change.

The AGM concluded with a lively panel discussion on Indigenous Cultural Landscapes and Intact Forest Landscapes and how critical it is for Canada to lead the way in responsible forest management.

FSC in Canada
The presence of FSC in Canada has grown ever since becoming the largest country holding FSC certified forests, representing 30% of the FSC system globally. There are 54 million hectares of FSC-certified forests in Canada representing a 60% increase over the last five years. About 25% of the Canadian boreal forest under management (or commercial use) is FSC certified.