With the release of Draft 2 of the National Forest Management standard, FSC Canada is now embarking on the testing phase of standard development.

The overall objective of testing is to obtain an increased understanding of the context and implications of specific proposed requirements of Draft 2 as a means to inform the final revision of the standard.

Apart from a full field test of the Standard as well as the Scale, Intensity and Risk indicators, FSC has identified additional key topics within Draft 2 which warrant further exploration. These key topics may include:

  • Aboriginal rights and application of Free, prior and informed consent requirements
  • Dispute resolution
  • Caribou management
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Landscape-level management and planning
  • Site-level ecological considerations
  • Sphere of influence implications
  • Risk-based approach
  • Economic Impact Assessment

FSC Canada is looking to put together a small well-balanced team of auditors to conduct a portion of the testing topics. Ideal candidates are approved FSC lead auditors with 5-10 years experience in evaluating FSC Canada’s forest management standards, as well as with experience evaluating some of the following topics:

  • Woodland caribou
  • Landscape analysis
  • Aboriginal rights & Free, Prior & Informed Consent
  • Stakeholder engagement

Most tests will be done via desk audit, with 1-3 on-site evaluations (actual number TBD). Testing is expected to take place between end of January – end of March, 2017. Level of effort estimated at approximately 25 days per auditor, depending on total number of evaluations to be conducted (TBD), and the scope of the auditor’s expertise.

Interested candidates should send their CV along with a brief description of their audit experience, and any other questions regarding testing to Christine Korol christinekorol@icloud.com by January 17, 2017.