We’re aiming to increase awareness of FSC so that more people choose FSC certified products more of the time. These choices can be personal, like choosing garden furniture, greeting cards or even toilet paper. Choosing FSC can also be great for the workplace; does your office have a policy to only buy FSC certified wood and paper for the office? If not, why not?

We can’t do it alone - we need your help to spread the message.

Hundreds of different organizations around the world will be hosting events for FSC Friday, ranging from internal events to raise awareness among staff, to public events such as tree planting with local schools and posting articles and banners on websites and social media.

Stay tuned later this June when we will be launching our FSC Friday toolkit which will have materials and resources for download as well as ideas to inspire your FSC Friday celebration. In the meantime, take a look at some of last year’s highlights.