Register for Webinar on FSC Core Labour Requirements Self-Assessment
FSC will host a webinar on the recently released FSC core labour requirements found in FSC-STD-40-004 V3-1 Chain of Custody Certification.
The webinar will focus on the details of the FSC core labour requirements self-assessment, which is part of the requirements that certificate holders use to prepare for their audits. The webinar will go through that part of the document item by item. This content is primarily intended for FSC certificate holders.
Simultaneous translation between English and Spanish will be provided.
Please register for whichever time suits you best by clicking on one of the options below.
New Question & Answer Document Available
FSC has prepared a question and answer (Q&A) document on the topic of the FSC core labour requirements. The questions are compiled from stakeholder enquiries and are loosely sorted into categories. This document will be periodically updated as stakeholders submit more questions.
You can download the document by clicking here, and you can always find it on the chain of custody certification page.