The advice note sets important limits to forest management operations in Intact Forest Landscapes (IFLs) for advancing their protection.

It states that forest management operations within IFLs, including harvesting and road building, can only proceed if they do not impact more than 20% of Intact Forest Landscapes within the Management Unit (MU) and do not reduce any IFLs below the 50,000 ha threshold in the landscape.

The advice note also adds that IFL maps from Global Forest Watch, or recent inventories using the same methodology such as those of Global Forest Watch Canada shall be used in all regions as a baseline for identification of IFL areas.

The note also confirms that Corrective Action Requests will be issued to those certificate holders who do not comply with the clauses set forward in the advice note.

A recommendation is also issued to Standard Development Groups (SDG) and Network Partners in Brazil, Canada, Congo Basin and Russia. This details that Free, Prior and Informed Consent of the Indigenous Peoples is a prerequisite for implementing the Motion 65. For that purpose, SDGs are recommended to review their work plans and secure culturally appropriate engagement of Indigenous Peoples in the standard setting process.

It is also recommended to launch a communications plan with all affected certificate holders and Indigenous Peoples in each country/sub-region, ensuring a dialogue on IFL areas that leads to agreed land-use plans, clearly indicated in maps

During the development of indicators for Motion 65, governments as stakeholders should be invited to take part of the consultation process. After approval of NFSS, communications should be initiated with governments explaining the Motion 65 process, what it aims to achieve and how it may impact on concession holders.

This advice note was drafted after careful assessment of the comments and proposals received in the public consultation that took place between October and December 2016. The objective of this consultation was to develop indicators for the protection of intact forest landscapes and indigenous cultural landscapes in Brazil, Canada, the Congo Basin, and Russia but was later enlarged to include all countries with IFL areas as requested by the respondents.

This advice note will be valid in all IFL countries until each finalizes its own NFSS or an Interim National Standard addressing Motion 65.

The full synopsis of the consultation and advice note are below.

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