The high conservation values technical working group (HCV-TWG) has developed the High Conservation Values (HCV) Manager’s Guide and a set of intact forest landscape (IFL) indicators in response to Motion 65 of the 2014 FSC general assembly. The Guide clarifies specific requirements for the identification, management planning, operations, monitoring, and restoration of HCV in FSC-certified forests. The IFL indicators have been developed for inclusion in FSC’s set of international generic indicators (IGIs). The revised draft of the Guide and the IFL indicators will be released for public consultation from 3 May until 2 July.

The HCV-TWG met first in Bonn, Germany from 6–9 October 2015 (see After this meeting, it continued working via electronic communication. It met virtually several times in 2016 and has now produced two draft documents.

As well as laying out what is needed to manage HCV in FSC-certified forests, the Guide also clarifies how HCVs can best be maintained whilst also being consistent with a number of recent changes in the FSC system, specifically:

  • Ensure the free, prior, and informed consent of Indigenous Peoples and local communities with legal rights to forests.
  • Identify and maintain intact forest landscapes.
  • Be consistent with a risk-based approach to forest management.
  • Consider payments for ecosystem services.
  • Be consistent with controlled wood category 3 requirements for maintenance of HCVs.

Given the need for alignment between the HCV guidance, IFL indicators, and several other initiatives, targeted consultation will be conducted in parallel with four key stakeholders: the HCV resource network, the FSC permanent Indigenous Peoples committee, and the FSC ecosystem services and controlled wood programmes. These consultations will further support the development of the document, clarifying such issues as the meaning of the terms ‘indigenous cultural landscape’ and ‘critical ecosystem services per HCV 4,’ as well as what qualifications team members need for conducting assessments.

The HCV-TWG will meet again in Bonn, Germany from 11–15 July 2016 to address the findings of the public and targeted consultations, and to review and revise the guide.

All information – the comment form and the draft that was released for consultation – can be found here.