LinkedIn is the world’s #1 business social media platform, with 630 million registered members in 150 countries. Surprisingly, a Climate-Smart-Construction group did not already exist on LinkedIn, providing FSC with a fantastic opportunity to nurture a global conversation on sustainable construction practices.

With more than 200 people joining in the first week, the new Climate-Smart Construction Group will serve as a place to share news and best practices, highlight new projects and research, and disseminate knowledge of FSC in construction. We encourage architects, engineers, clients, policymakers, media, science, and civil society professionals who want to ‘decarbonize’ the built environment to join. It’s easy – just click the link above and click “join”.

Why join? Because by joining the Climate-Smart Construction Group – and encouraging your network to join too – we will create an FSC-aware construction community to help one another be successful in the effort to achieve zero-net carbon construction. We encourage you to post news, tips and questions at any time.

This new LinkedIn group is part of a broader effort to build an ever-stronger national and international network in the climate-smart building industry – one more fully aware of FSC and its value proposition. This also creates and opportunity to connect FSC suppliers with customers, while sharing knowledge about sustainable materials and suppliers, embodied and operational carbon, and other aspects of climate-smart construction.

We expect the group to continue growing rapidly, and like our FSC Sourcing database, it will become an important driver of demand for FSC-certified materials in construction. Please join us today!