What is the course about?
In this course you will get an introduction to FSC-STD-40-005 V3-0 Requirements for Sourcing FSC Controlled Wood and respective accreditation requirements. The course consists of an overview of the standard, main concepts, questions, and a quiz. Successfully completing the course and associated quiz will allow you to automatically receive a certificate of completion.

Who can take the course?
FSC-accredited certification bodies, FSC certificate holders, and any other interested parties are encouraged to sign up today.

How to take the course:
To register for the course, please go to https://etraining.fsc.org/.
Once registered and logged on, please use code cwSTDv3-0-4CH

Miranda Lin of the Controlled Wood team will be instructing this course and also answering questions submitted via the training platform. If you have any questions, you can also contact CWTraining@fsc.org.

Please do not hesitate to report any mistakes and technical problems. Any suggestions and feedback will be greatly appreciated in order to help us improve the online course.