On November 24, 2016, FSC Canada released Draft 2 of the National Forest Management Standard and the first version of the FPIC Guidance document for public consultation. Also the Intact Forest Landscape (IFL) Working Paper (v1) and Indigenous Cultural Landscapes (ICL) Discussion Paper were released shortly after on December 6, 2016. The consultation period ended February 17, 2017 and many engaged stakeholders have reviewed and commented on the draft documents in order to assist in furthering their development. In total, FSC Canada received 31 submissions from organizations across the country who provided close to 300 pages of comments. Statistics related to Draft 2 comments have been summarized and can be reviewed in the Public Summary: Draft Two Consultation of FSC Canada’s National Forest Management Standard”.

FSC Canada is now busy reviewing the input, considering the comments received, and where necessary, proposing changes to indicators.

FSC would like to thank all participating stakeholders and interested parties for contributing their time and effort to assist in this standard revision process.

You can read or download the Public Summary from our Forest Management Standard Revision webpage, under "Draft 2". It is available in both English and French.