The survey is open for responses until 10 July 2024.

FSC has initiated a survey to facilitate the implementation of Motion 28/2020 Overcome Value Chain Barriers for small operations by remedying identified problems in the Chain of Custody (CoC) procedures, thereby increasing participation.

The survey aims to address Motion 28/2020, which requests the FSC to clarify and adapt, as necessary, the Chain of Custody (CoC) requirements for small operations to alleviate the complexities they face in conforming with the CoC standard FSC-STD-40-004 Chain of Custody Certification. The survey seeks to understand the specific barriers that certificate holders, particularly small enterprises, encounter in obtaining and maintaining CoC certification. The insights gathered from this survey will inform strategies to mitigate these barriers and develop effective solutions.

The survey is open for all stakeholders and less than 20 questions.

Please find the link to the survey here. We look forward to your participation!