In December, FSC is providing two workshops on the FSC core labour requirements, as part of the conceptual phase for the revision of our chain of custody standards. 

These workshops seek to inform stakeholders about the revision process for the chain of custody standards and provide information on the FSC core labour requirements (CLR). Stakeholders will have the opportunity to discuss CLR topics, including: FSC guidance documents on CLR, implementation of Member Motions 50/2021 and 51/2021, and considerations for the inclusion of the newest International Labour Organization’s Fundamental Principle ‘safe and healthy working environment’.  

For more information please visit here and visit the process page.  

Both workshops will cover the same content, and simultaneous interpretation in Spanish and French will be provided.  

Registration below: 

  • 1 December 2023, 16:00 - 17:30 CET, Register  
  • 7 December 2023, 09:00 - 10:30 CET, Register